• Sample Gameplay
  • Post-Game Summary
  • Game History
  • Local Saves

DiscInferno Disc Golf Scorecard

  1. Sample Gameplay
  2. Post-Game Summary
  3. Game History
  4. Local Saves

As an avid disc golf player of many years, I enjoy keeping track of how I play on courses to see my progress over time. The most popular (and perhaps only) app catered to disc golfers only allows users to have a 30-day free trial before requiring a membership. While I appreciated many of the features that app provided, I didn't think them necessary enough to warrant a monthly payment, so one day I began creating a lookalike web app with the essential features.

This was my first exeperience with SQL and I learned a ton about the basics of table creation and relationships. Many of my friends suggested new features, such as a dynamic tee-off order that didn't shift too information on the screen, and intermittent saves to restore data after some mobile browsers refreshed on their own. The website is still available here, but new user registration is closed while I continue to improve the SQL security.